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David Icke: Conspiracy of the Lizard Illuminati (Part 1/2)

(384) VIEWS
Miami Gardens
- Saturday August 12 - 2023


I was locked up in The Broward County Jail back in 2004 for driving on a suspended license. While incarcerated I was jumped and beaten up and was taken to the hospital, where I spent several days.

On the night I was returned from the hospital back to the jail, I had the weirdest experience yet.

While standing at the top of a long corridor, I looked about 55 feet away from me, and saw a scaly being looking like what seems to be between a dragon and a lizard standing on its two hind legs. It had its face turned to the right of me. This means it was not looking at me - thank God - but its focus was aimed side ways, so I was looking at the right side of it.

I wondered for a moment about what I was really looking at. This being was standing there in clear view without a doubt. As I thought to myself that If I turned my head away and refocus it would go away. Therefore, I turned my head to the left and refocus on this thing again.

When I turned my head back on this thing, the thing transformed himself back into a man. That man that it transformed himself back into was the head of the jail system, the chief. Now he was a man wearing a black pants and a white shirt, and was that chief of the prison.

Therefore, I know from experience that there is that of a reptilian race - presumably from hell - that is in people of power, and they are given charge over entities of the earth.

With that said I do not agree with everything in this video, especially this man calling himself The Son Of God, to mean the author of salvation, that sort of thing I reject.

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